Constitution and By-Laws



We, the undersigned, wishing to secure for ourselves the pleasures and benefits of the association of persons commonly interested in Amateur Radio contesting, constitute ourselves as the Yankee Clipper Contest Club and enact this constitution as our governing law. It shall be our purpose to promote radio knowledge, fraternalism and individual operating efficiency, and to so conduct club programs and activities as to advance the general interest and welfare of amateur radio in the community.

Article I
[as amended 07 February 1999]

All persons interested in amateur radio contesting shall be eligible for membership. Membership shall be by application, election and dues payment upon such terms as the club shall by its By-Laws provide.

Article II
[as amended 12 April 1980]
[as amended 01 August 1992]
[as amended 06 April 1997]
[as amended 05 February 2005]

Sec. 1 – The officers of this club shall be: President, Vice President, Activities Manager, Secretary, and Treasurer.

Sec. 2 – Vacancies in official positions occurring between elections must be filled by special elections at the first Regular or Special meeting following the withdrawal, removal or resignation at which a super quorum is present and voting.

Sec. 3 – Officers may be removed by a three-fourths vote of the members attending a Regular or Special meeting, at which a super quorum is present and voting.

Article III
[as amended 01 August 1992]
[as amended 05 February 2005]

Sec. 1 – The President shall preside at all Regular and Special meetings of this club pursuant to its Constitution and By-Laws. The President will: appoint persons to fill non-officer positions; sign official documents; enforce observance of Articles and By-Laws; appoint Committee Chairs; endeavor to accomplish the goals of the club. With the assistance of the Treasurer, will prepare an Annual Operating Budget. He shall perform all other customary duties pertaining to the office of President.

Sec. 2 – The Vice-President shall assume all the duties of the President in the absence of the latter. Will perform other duties as agreed upon with the President.

Sec. 3 – The Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of all Regular and Special meetings, keep a roll of the members and carry on and maintain all club correspondence. He shall perform all other customary duties pertaining to the office of Secretary.

Sec. 4 – The Treasurer shall receive and account for all monies paid to and on behalf of the club. At each regular meeting he shall submit a statement of receipts and expenditures. The Treasurer shall assist the President in the preparation of an Annual Operating Budget. Maintain and reconcile bank accounts and invest all funds guided by the Prudent Man Rule. The President and the Treasurer are authorized to sign account checks individually. Treasurer will be responsible for filing or confirming that all government forms are filed as appropriate. Perform all other customary duties pertaining to the Treasurer position.

Sec. 5 – The Activities Manager shall plan and manage meeting programs and similar activities and perform other duties as agreed upon with the President.

Article IV
[as amended 05 February 2005]

The President may, at the beginning of his term of office, appoint an Advisory Committee to assist him in the operation of the club. The President shall attempt to have members other than officers serve in these posts in order to provide for diversity in the operation of the club. The members of the Advisory Committee shall not have additional voting privileges.

Article V

The By-Laws shall provide for Regular meetings at such times and places as shall be conducive to maximum attendance. Meetings and votes shall be held/acted on in person or via electronic means. Votes by US Mail are acceptable.

Article VI
[as amended 07 February 1999]
[as amended 05 February 2005]
[as amended 06 April 2013]
[as amended 22 November 2023]

The Club, by majority vote of those present at a Regular or Special meeting and with a super quorum present and voting, may levy such dues as are deemed necessary for the operation of the Club.

Payment of current dues shall be a pre-condition for e-delivery of the YCCC Scuttlebutt, participation in the Club’s e-mail reflector, and participation in the Club’s various awards programs, e.g.: YCCC Challenge, general awards programs (mugs/certificates/top gun pins/etc.).

A lapsed member can reinstate their lost privileges by paying current dues.

Payment of dues shall not be a precondition for submission of member scores to the YCCC Club aggregate in competitions.

Article VII
[as amended 05 February 2005]

Sec. 1 – The club shall enact appropriate rules to minimize interference in operation between stations of its members. The club shall also maintain a program to foster and guide public relations.

Sec. 2 – The club shall submit a club score in all major contests for which there is a club competition. Club members shall be encouraged to participate in all amateur radio contests, with particular emphasis given to the American Radio Relay League Sweepstakes, DX contests, and Field Day, and the CQ WW DX contests and WPX contest.

Article VIII
[as amended 05 February 2005]

This constitution or the By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members attending a Regular or Special meeting at which a super quorum is present and voting. Proposals for amendment must be submitted to the general membership at least 30 days in advance of the meeting at which the proposed amendments are to be acted on. Such notice shall be posted on the YCCC web site and include the proposed new language integrated into the existing language. Proposals for amendments must be submitted to the Secretary in writing at a Regular or Special meeting and voted on at that meeting.

Article IX
[as amended 05 February 2005]

Excepting local area meetings, membership meetings shall be conducted in accordance with and be governed by the YCCC Constitution & By-Laws and Robert’s Rules of Order.


Constitution and Bylaws enacted 9 April 1977 and amended 19 January 1980, 12 April 1980, 5 April 1986, 6 February 1988, 1 August 1992, 3 April 1993, 29 July 1995, 1 June 1996, 29 August 1998, 11 October 1998, 7 February 1999, 05 February 2005, 25 August 2012 and 6 April 2013 

1. Reserved

[as amended 11 October 1998]
[as amended 03 February 2024]

2 Membership

New members shall be enrolled after attendance at a Regular, Special or Local Area meeting, presentation of an application for membership, election into the Club, and payment of current dues.

After joining, members are expected to keep their dues current and are highly encouraged to contribute to the Club aggregate scores in the major contests listed in Article VII.
[as amended 12 April 1980]
[as amended 01 June 1996]
[as amended 29 August 1998]
[as amended 05 February 2005]
[as amended 06 April 2013] 

3. Meetings

Regular and Special meetings shall be held in person or via electronic means at least four times each calendar year at such places as the President shall order pursuant to Article V of the Constitution. Votes may be acted on in person, via electronic means or U.S. Mail.
[as amended 05 April 1986]
[as amended 01 June 1996]
[as amended 05 February 2005]

  • 3A. Special Meetings
    Special meetings may be scheduled at the discretion of the President. Also, upon request by an Area Manager, a Local Area meeting may be called. The agenda for Local Area meetings shall be educational programs, contest forums and/or the enrollment of new members. Other than enrolling a new member, no official business may come before a Local Area Meeting.
    [as amended 01 August 1992]
    [as amended 01 June 1996]
    [as amended 05 February 2005]
  • 3B. In the case of a Local Area meeting called pursuant to By-Law 3A a list of members attending such meeting and a brief report of the proceedings shall be submitted to the Secretary and published in the Scuttlebutt.
    [as amended 01 August 1992]
    [as amended 05 February 2005] 

4. Elections

Elections of Officers shall be scheduled pursuant to Article II of the Constitution. A super quorum must be present and voting. Nominations will be submitted by members from the floor, be properly seconded, and shall be received by the President. All nominees must consent to the nomination. Upon close of nominations, a secret or open ballot shall be conducted by the Secretary; this ballot shall be repeated, the nominee receiving the least votes being dropped from the ballot, until a nominee has received a majority of votes cast. This process shall be repeated until the offices of President, Vice President, Activities Manager, Secretary, and Treasurer are filled.
[as amended 12 April 1980]
[as amended 06 April 1997]
[as amended 05 February 2005] 

5. Advisory Committee

An Advisory Committee may be appointed pursuant to Article IV of the Constitution. The Advisory Committee shall consist of positions such as deemed necessary by the President. Area Managers shall be appointed for such areas as deemed appropriate by the President. These Managers shall be responsible for serving the interests of members in their area, which may include assisting in antenna projects, helping procure transportation to club meetings, and recruiting new members.
[as amended 12 April 1980]
[as amended 05 February 2005] 

6. Dues

An annual dues assessment covering the calendar year is hereby levied pursuant to Article VI of the Constitution to meet current Club operating expenses.

The dues assessment schedule may be modified from time to time by a majority vote of the membership, with a super quorum present and voting, resulting in the automatic amendment of the applicable By-Laws.

The dues assessment schedule is as follows:

Full Member (FE)
$15 (Eligible for YCCC awards programs and electronic “Ebutt” delivery of Club newsletter.)

Family Member (FM)
$0 (Grants full membership to all amateurs residing at one domicile on payment of one member’s “Full Member” annual dues and entitlement to one Club Newsletter sent to one domicile or email address. All members of said family are eligible for YCCC awards programs.)

Student Member (ST)
$10 (Grants full membership to students at a reduced level. Eligible for YCCC awards programs and paper or electronic delivery of the Club Newsletter.)

Subscription (SU)
$** (A “friend of YCCC” not a member but a possible candidate for future membership. Receives Club newsletter only in paper or electronic form. Fee basis is $10 for electronic “Ebutt” delivery, or $25 for domestic paper delivery.)

A former member who has moved out of the Club area may continue to participate in the Club’s e-mail reflector and receive the electronic newsletter at no cost.

[as amended 22 November 2023]

  • 6A. When circumstances warrant, and upon the approval of a majority of the club officers, payment of dues for an individual member may be waived for a period of two years.
    [as amended 03 April 1993]
    [as amended 05 February 2005]
    [as amended 06 April 2013] 

7. Honorary Life MembershipUpon nomination by any active member and approval by a two-thirds vote of the members attending a Regular or Special meeting, with a super quorum present and voting, an individual may be granted Honorary Life Membership with no dues payment required. This membership would entitle the individual to all the rights and the benefits of a full membership.
[as amended 29 August 1998]
[as amended 05 February 2005] 

8. Quorum

For purposes of effecting an official Regular or Special meeting, a quorum is considered to be achieved if at least 5% of the members are in attendance. A super quorum is achieved if at least 15% of the members are in attendance. To enroll a new member or for local area meetings, a quorum is not required.
[Added 05 February 2005] 

9. Fiscal Matters

The fiscal year for the Club is July 1 through June 30. Spending will be guided by a detailed Budget. Unbudgeted expenditures over $500.00 must be approved by a majority of the Officers. Budgeted expenditures up to $500.00 must be approved by the President or Treasurer and over $500.00 by the President and the Treasurer.
[Added 5 February 2005]

10. Dissolution of the Club

Upon the dissolution of the Club, the Club shall, after paying or making provision for paying all its liabilities, transfer all assets to the American Radio Relay League, Inc. (ARRL), under the guidance of its Officers. In the event that the ARRL no longer exists, then the Club shall dispense of all its assets to an organization recognized and operated for purposes of maintaining and furthering Amateur Radio, as determined by its Officers. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by the appropriate Court in the county in which the principal office of the Club is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization(s), as said court shall determine.
[Added 05 February 2005]

11. Hall of Fame Award

Upon nomination by any active member and approval by a two-thirds vote of the members attending a Regular or Special meeting, with a super quorum present and voting, an individual may be granted Honorary Life Membership with no dues payment required. This membership would entitle the individual to all the rights and the benefits of a full membership.

7A. Honorary Life Membership will be bestowed upon current or former YCCC members who are or was a member in good standing when said member was inducted into any CQ Amateur Radio Hall(s) of Fame (Amateur, DX or Contest). Bylaw 7 is waived in this case as a result of the vetting process that occurs within these CQ Hall of Fame nomination committees.

[Added 25 August 2012]
[as amended 22 November 2023]

Constitution and Bylaws enacted 9 April 1977 and amended 19 January 1980, 12 April 1980, 5 April 1986, 6 February 1988, 1 August 1992, 3 April 1993, 29 July 1995, 1 June 1996, 29 August 1998, 11 October 1998, 7 February 1999, 05 February 2005, 25 August 2012 and 6 April 2013, 22 November 2023, 03-February-2024